This has been a tremendously long, drawn out journey since 2005. That is when I began falling with my “spells” which led to more concern and wanting answers. From doctor to doctor, town to town, the doctors would give up or nicely tell me I’m crazy basically. Even the ones who saw my spell in their offices, but I had no proof on any test that they tried. Each time I would question myself, “Is this in my head?”, “Was *** right about I’m just crazy?”, “Aren’t these really happening?”. Even in the last few months, I have questioned myself about my spells. After going so long with no answers and through multiple doctors, it’s nice to finally have a diagnosis. Already diagnosed with fibromyalgia and mild POTS, but now we know the main kicker hopefully.

white paper with yeah signage
Photo by on

YES!! You read that correctly!! While at Vanderbilt for testing in November 2018, they ruled that I had borderline POTS. I was so frustrated by this and instantly began crying in the office talking to the doctor. Still no concrete diagnosis. I was over it again! Each time I got frustrated in the past, I would ignore and hide all of my symptoms. God shut that down this time, it’s all effected me worse than ever.

Since September of 2017, I have been unable to drive far (if any) or work. I can barely get out of bed some days, using a cane to walk if in public on the “ok” days. Falling…well the floor and I have became buddies, but my right side (weak side) truly hates the floor. The weight gain from not being able to be active, well I am not happy about it at all! I know when I get strength and these spells gone, I’ll lose it. There are so many other things that goes along with it. Some of my community, family, and friends have seen these spells. It’s so embarrassing, I like to be in control of my body and able to do simple things. I took for granted a lot. Walking. Driving. Getting out of bed. Fixing my hair. Standing in a shower. Simple things from day to day. We don’t realize everything we are blessed with until it’s taken away.

I tend to go everywhere with stories, when I talk and type…sorry y’all.

Here it is March 2019, I decided to look up the Vanderbilt summary of my visit. There it was plain as day conversion disorder known as Functional Neurological Disorder. Several doctors told me it’s like my brain isn’t connecting to my other organs and nervous system correctly. Well once I looked up FND, there it was the exact same thing with a title now. I did my research and joined a few groups on Facebook. That is really where you learn about these disorders. The real people’s encounters are the jackpot when trying to understand medical stuff. I became aware that we share a lot of similarities. I finally have answers!!!!

During my senior year of high school, washing dishes after school, my face drooped and stayed for a few seconds. My first thought was I’m having a stroke. Randomly I still have that issue, but my face on the right side droops a little at all times. I wish I knew if it was like that before the first time it happened.

Droop face
You can see my right (left in the photo) side is droopy and bigger. Excuse my horrible photo of myself

This was a huge find to me about my face. I have always tried to hide it in photos. It was like a confirmation from God, that’s it. My primary doctor has been fantastic and helped me more than anyone. He had already seen the summary from Vanderbilt and booked me cognitive behavioral therapy. I begin the hard and long process to hopefully get my life back somewhat in April 2019.

This was hard at first when I read the diagnosis and looked it up. My first thought was, “It is all in my head. They were right.” Well after researching more, speaking to medical professionals, and hearing others peoples experiences with it, I have no shame of this disorder. It isn’t something I can’t help. If your heart was malfunctioning, you would fix it anyway possible right? My brain is another organ that I need and it’s malfunctioning. I’m going to do all I can to get the help I need to retain it. Support and prays are all I need from you! Any therapy is HARD. Mental therapy will be emotional and draining, finding possibly old wounds or triggers. I got God, family, and you guys as support, so I will make it and NOT GIVE UP.


I have experienced all of these, except for the foot and sight. I only go blurred with sight, thank goodness!!


What is Functional Neurological Disorder (FND)?

Functional neurological disorder (FND) is a medical condition in which there is a problem with the functioning of the nervous system and how the brain and body sends and/or receives signals, rather than a structural disease process such as multiple sclerosis or stroke. FND can encompass a wide variety of neurological symptoms, such as limb weakness or seizures.

FND is a condition at the interface between the specialties of neurology and psychiatry. Conventional tests such as MRI brain scans and EEGs are usually normal in patients with FND. This had led, historically, to the condition being relatively neglected by both clinicians and researchers. However, it is now established that FND is a common cause of disability and distress, which may overlap with other problems such as chronic pain and fatigue. Encouraging studies support the potential reversibility of FND with specifically tailored treatments. New scientific findings are influencing how patients are diagnosed and treated which is creating an overall change in attitude towards people with FND.

Older ideas that FND is β€œall psychological” and that the diagnosis is made only when someone has normal tests have changed since the mid-2000s. The new understanding, including modern neuroscientific studies, has shown that FND is not a diagnosis of exclusion. It has specific clinical features of its own and is a disorder of the nervous system functioning in which many perspectives are necessary. These vary a lot from person to person. In some people, psychological factors are important, in others they are not.

Signs & Symptoms

FND patients can experience a wide range and combination of symptoms that are physical, sensory and/or cognitive. The most common include:

Motor dysfunction
β€’ Functional limb weakness/paralysis
β€’ Functional movement disorders; including tremor, spasms (dystonia), jerky movements (myoclonus) and problems walking (gait disorder)
β€’ Functional speech symptoms; including whispering speech (dysphonia), slurred or stuttering speech

Sensory dysfunction
β€’ Functional sensory disturbance includes altered sensation; e.g. numbness, tingling or pain in the face, torso or limbs. This often occurs on one side of the body
β€’ Functional visual symptoms; including loss of vision or double vision

Episodes of altered awareness
β€’ Dissociative (non-epileptic) seizures, blackouts and faints: these symptoms can overlap and can look like epileptic seizures or faints (syncope)

Symptoms often fluctuate and may vary from day to day or be present all the time. Some patients with FND may experience substantial or even complete remission followed by sudden relapses of symptoms.

Other physical and psychological symptoms are commonly experienced by patients with FND but may not be present. These include: chronic pains, fatigue, sleep problems, memory symptoms, bowel and bladder symptoms, anxiety and depression.


The exact cause of FND is unknown, although ongoing research is starting to provide suggestions as to how and why it develops. Many different predisposing factors can make patients more susceptible to FND such as having another neurological condition, experiencing chronic pain, fatigue or stress. However, some people with FND have none of these risk factors.

At the time FND begins, studies have shown that there may be triggering factors like a physical injury, infectious illness, panic attack or migraine which can give someone the first experience of the symptoms. These symptoms normally settle down on their own. However, in FND the symptoms become β€˜stuck’ in a β€˜pattern’ in the nervous system. That β€˜pattern’ is reflected in altered brain functioning. The result is a genuine and disabling problem, which the patient cannot control. The aim of treatment is to β€˜retrain the brain’, for example by unlearning abnormal and dysfunctional movement patterns that have developed and relearning normal movement.

One way of thinking about FND is looking at it as a bit like a β€˜software’ problem on a computer. The β€˜hardware’ is not damaged but there is a problem with the β€˜software’ and so the computer doesn’t work doesn’t work properly. Conventional structural MRI brain scans are usually normal in FND unless the person has another neurological condition. Functional’ brain scans (fMRI) are starting to provide early evidence for how the brain goes wrong in FND. fMRI scans show changes in patients with FND which look different from healthy patients without these symptoms as well as healthy people β€˜pretending’ to have these symptoms. Functional imaging is still a research tool and is not developed enough to be used in the diagnosis of FND. Scans support what patients and researchers already know – these are genuine disorders in which there is a change in brain functioning, which is out with the control of the person with FND.

Historically, FND has traditionally been viewed as an entirely psychological disorder in which repressed psychological stress or trauma gets β€˜converted’ into a physical symptom. This is where the term β€˜conversion disorder’ comes from. Psychological disorders and stressful life events, both recent and in childhood, may be risk factors for developing the condition in some patients, but they rarely provide a full explanation for the cause of the condition and are absent in many patients. Patients do not have to be depressed, anxious or the survivor of adverse childhood experience to develop FND.

Modern theories propose that FND has many causes, which vary from patient to patient. One comparison is to think about heart disease. There are lots of causes of heart disease – smoking, genetic factors, diet and even stress-related / psychological factors such as depression. Smoking may be a factor in heart disease in many people, but it is not in everyone. The same analogy can be made for FND. In some psychological factors such as past trauma or stress at the time of symptom onset in FND are important in understanding how the brain has gone wrong. In others the presence of a problem like migraine or a physical injury may be the most important thing.

Affected Populations

The exact prevalence of FND is unknown. However, research suggests FND is the second most common reason for a neurological outpatient visit after headache/migraine; accounting for one sixth of diagnoses. This means FND is as common as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson’s disease.

FND can affect anyone, at any time, although it is uncommon in children under 10. FND is more likely to affect women than men for most symptoms, although when patients present over the age of 50 then it occurs equally in both groups.


(info from

Help Support Financially! Being unable to work and denied disability stinks. Selling wood signs! Custom Orders yours today!! Analu Brooke Dezines on FB

Thank you for reading and keeping up with my journey.

This is just the first step, accepting the diagnosis.
More blogs to come through this process of recovery.


Why Me Lord

After my health started truly acting up back in September of 2017, I have been unable to work, drive, and sometimes care for myself. I had pity parties alone and would cry and scream β€œWhy me God?” I have always worked. Enjoying the giving and helping of others with the extra money or time I had. Why do I deserve this? Why did I have to be the one this happened too?

Throughout this time I despise the pity and sympathy from others, because I’ll get my life back. I refused to apply for disability for seven months. Getting back to work and driving wasn’t an option, it was a must. God knows I’m hardheaded and stubborn. He sent people and reality moments to get through to me. I applied for disability and was denied. I took that as a sign I will get back to work. Each time I tried too, my health would flare up badly! My body tends to take control of me most days.

It’s not new that God’s plans for me were different from my own. I had so many dreams and goals for my life, yet they wouldn’t work out mostly due to health issues. God had been trying to get through for a while, but I ignored His signs. I’ll admit that, because my life following God isn’t always easy and I fail.

Now it’s February of 2019, God has sent encouragement in ways I never would have dreamed of…through friends, family, and love. I have to except the fact of not being able to physically go to work and look for other ways. I have been encouraged and motivated to find new ways of life. I tend to over do it on my good days and fight it, leading to horrible days of recovery. Currently in one of those days today. I have to learn my limits more and relearn to live basically.

These new ways of life will be tough, but I know my Lord will never steer me to something that I can’t handle. Why me Lord, still hasn’t been answered yet, but who am I to question the most amazing leader! I know one day I’ll look back, smile, roll my eyes, and say β€œOk Lord I see why You did that now.” It never fails to amaze me.

God, I know I have questioned you. I should have never done that. You lead us to follow simply. Yet sometimes it’s not that simple. God I know your way is the best way, not the easiest way. I am prepared to give you my all and forever follow where you lead. Forgive me for where I have questioned and ignored you. I give you my all!

β€œI will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.” Psalm 32:8

β€œFor I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, β€œplans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

β€œYou can make plans, but the Lords purpose will prevails.” Proverbs 19:21

Appointment Cancelled

Many people have asked about my Vanderbilt appointment that was October 25-26th. Well the doctor had a conference to go too, so I got my appointment cancelled. Yes, after months of waiting for it. I will be seeing his nurse practitioner November 26-27th at Vanderbilt. The next appointment for the doctor will be on into next year. God has a reason for this to happen, even if I’m not too happy with it now.

Since I last posted it’s the same thing, different day. My “spells” are the same if not worse. I’m finding out more of my symptoms and how to adjust or feel them coming on. I always heard of the spoon theory, now I live by it. Still not able to go back to work nor drive even in town.

Yesterday I had a wedding to attend in the evening. I rested all day before and that morning. Gave myself about 2.5-3 hrs to get ready, having to take so many breaks. Before arriving to the venue, I felt my body acting up. Started with the shaking under my skin. With that already starting I decided to use my walking cane, just incase. Good thing I did! During the reception, I got chilly and stood by the heater until I felt weak and unstable. Making it to the bench, before I fell. πŸ™ŒπŸ» It was a victory in my book!! Last thing I wanted to do was fall out or over do it at the wedding. It’s embarrassing already dealing with this on good days, much less falling out or people seeing and staring on bad ones. I didn’t slump over nor did anything happen that others could tell. So not to toot my own horn, but… *TOOT TOOT*!

Today it’s all catching up with me of course. Migraine, shaky, heaviness, blurry vision, mentally drained, fell, etc. One symptom I have noticed is my strawberry birthmarks tend to get brighter when I’m having a bad day.

Ignore my horrible look and adorable mermaid pjs. The brightness is fading away in this picture.

The rest of the day I will be in bed and eating my sunflower seeds (my addiction) completely in chill mode. Side note… I had a doctor tell me to increase my salt intake. Hehe! My family now MUST support my addiction. My uncle gave me a 5 gallon bucket of seeds for my birthday. He knows the way to my heart!!

Please continue to pray not only for me, but the ones who help and care for me. Along with everyone else dealing with this currently.

ONE YEAR! Sept. 25th

On this day one year ago, September 25th 2017, I went to work feeling very off mentally and very weak. I thought it will wear off, little did I know it was just the beginning. Before lunch I had passed out in the women’s restroom when a customer yelled and turned on the light brought me too. I had been passed out for about 30 minutes. My mother came to my place of employment and took me to an urgent care. Somewhere quickly to be seen so I could go home. Just a concussion, and I went home. For 365 days, I have felt this way and some days are worse than others.

Not able to work and pay my own bills have been the worse for me personally. I have applied for jobs on better days and received 3 different jobs, but unable to even work the first day. Finally I just stopped trying and focused on at home work. It hasn’t worked out well neither. It’s so hard for me to focus and concentrate now.

During this time I’ve only had to call 911 once. I was sitting on my bed and went completely heavy. Slumping to the left, and falling off my bed with no strength to move or speak. I was dead wait and taken to DCH by ambulance. I was unable to move anything part of my body from the neck down for 4-5 hours. Once I had movement, I was sent home because everything seemed normal. πŸ™„

Today, September 25th 2018, I had dealt with uncontrollable dizziness for three days now. Each time I move the room spends. On top of the others symptoms, weakness, lightheaded, nauseated, etc. I have been checked for vertigo with normal results. Of course! Haha!

Over the year span, I have been able to figure out 3 triggers to worsen my spells.

1. Over Heat. The slightest over heating will weaken me and distort my thinking completely. It usually takes a few days to recover.

2. Stress. Any stress has worsened my symptoms and it’s hard to not stress over bills while I could work much less when I can’t work.

3. Concentration. I know it sounds crazy. I had to test this one a few times to make sure. When focused on something mentally and/or visually, my spells flare up. Examples: Driving, computer work, tv, conversations for too long, etc.

I still have no answers yet. October 25-26th is my appointment at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville, TN. I pray I find answers there. I’m to the point, I don’t care what is found as long as I have answers to get help and return to my life.

Winning doesn’t seem to be an option for me. When I have good days, I can’t get up and go places alone. On bad days, I may not be able to get out of bed at all. Depression has been an on and off issue. Mornings aren’t my specialty anyways, especially now days. Usually I can’t get going or take forever to get going due to breaking from exhaustion. So church hasn’t been easy to get too. With that I have been so thankful for the churches who use Facebook live! There are people like me who isn’t able to get to church physically but want to be there. Unless hats were permitted at church. Lol. No get ready. πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ˜‚

My friends and family have helped to take care of me and make sure I get out of the house some. Many of prayers have flowed up for and from me. I am very blessed. I know God has a purpose for all of this and I will be able to use it somehow.

Please continue to pray for me. This isn’t easy nor kind. The only physician of healing is my amazing Savior who is leading me to my diagnosis. On this path He is teaching me things and allowing me to grow closer to Him.

Always find the blessings in disguise!

Concussion and Blessings

I had a very rough patch. Falling a lot, out of it way worse, weak, etc. One day, home alone, I fell and it knocked me out. I am not sure for how long, but my big head did damage to the wall. Ha. I went for a CT scan to be safe. All cleared with a concussion and a few abnormal spots. No biggie.

Yep that’s the living room wall. Good times.

After this rough patch, I was doing good for a few days. Until tonight, fell in my bedroom on the way to the bathroom. Beyond tired, yet can’t sleep from pain. I feel my body going back down hill again. πŸ™„

On a better note… I have some blessings that I need to share.

I got accepted to Mayo Clinic and Vanderbilt. I will be going to Vanderbilt in late October, on the cancelation list. πŸ™ŒπŸ»

Throughout this time that I’m unable to work, people have randomly given me money to help with bills, sent me thoughtful gifts, and offered to help in any way.

Friends and family have came to visit and get me out we I can go.

At both Mayo Clinic and Vanderbilt, I have been given places to stay.

All my expensive money to travel, eat, and stay was offered to us.

We were also offered travel points to cover hotel costs.

Something I hadn’t thought of was offered as well. A couple from a cousins church offered to build and pay for a ramp at my house, if I end up needing it.

Plus tons of prayers!!

God knows when I need encouragement or uplifting. πŸ™πŸ»

Thank you to all of you! Love each one!!

ER Run 6.13.2018

Last several days have been rough, but not abnormal. Tuesday, 6/12, around 9:30 PM I began to go out of it mentally and get somewhat weak. Going to bed seemed like a great idea at that time to reduce falling. When I awoken the next morning, I felt the same but a bit more out of it mentally. All day I was just going back to sleep over and over. I got up twice to use the restroom. It was a struggle in itself. Walking was difficult, and even sitting on the toilet I was swaying very badly. In the midst of all this, I forgot the process/what to do.

How mom found me. Unable to move at all.

The third time I woke up and went to the restroom were like the rest. When I got back to bed, I sat up indian style and checked my phone. It didn’t take long at all before I started to get so weak that I was unable to hold my phone. After putting it down, I grabbed my tea to drink before I laid down. I didn’t make it that far. Holding onto my cup, my entire torso and head began slumping to the left. Before I know it my weight was so dead/heavy that I flipped off the bed into the floor. At that point I could not move at all. Talking wasn’t even an option. After laying in the floor for a while, mom gets home from work and finds me. Able to talk by then, I told her what happened and I can’t move. She called Willie to help and they decided to call for an ambulance, due to the dead weight. After being drug though the house and loaded up, we traveled to DCH.

When there I could talk, but still had no movement of my body from the neck down. People had to move my head for me, itch my nose, etc. I was able to feel pressure to some areas, but not all of them due to numbness. After a few hours in the ER, I was slowly able to wiggle my toes and fingers. Gradually from there more of my strength was coming back. The doctor wasn’t sure what to do. Yet I had to go because it was a BAD time that needed to be documented. They did a CT on my head from falling off of my bed. Drew blood, urine, gave me meds, and fluids. Finally I was able to go home, but still not walking well. Calling my primary doctor today. My unavailability to move my body lasted from roughly around 4:10PM – 9:30PM, I believe.

One of many frustrating parts is feeling trapped in your own body and can’t function it. I had to ask for help for dumb little things. Another part is the doctor, He was like basically ok what am I suppose to do or why are you here. I’m sorry I’m wasting your time, but I can not move my body AT ALL! I was already hangry and frustrated about all of this. GRR!! LOL!

Many people have asked what happened, so this way is the easiest to tell all at once. πŸ™‚


Update 5.11.2018

Last few weeks have been the typical roller coaster. Falling is still an issue. I have fallen tonight and hit a door knob on the way down, causing a knot, some swelling, headache, and frustration.

5.11.2018 fall into door

Other issues have been unable to control my bladder and bowel movements, yes it is what you are thinking. Haha! It’s embarrassing and aggravating. This part drives me up the wall, but what can I do. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

Also my “brain slushes” have been worse. They don’t go away now, only lightening up. To me these include unable to concentrate, horrible memory, getting confused, not knowing what to do, etc… Yes everyone deals with these issues, but it’s not the same.

Wednesday, I had an appointment in Northport, I begged to drive myself. I have dealt with this stuff since 2005, and know when I can’t drive. Mom finally agreed but I had to check in and take things slowly. I made it through out the day and got home. I was mostly exhausted and hurting in my hip and knee.

The next day I slept all day and had tingly from the waist down and on my hands. I have no energy and out of it mentally. Having some stuff I needed to work on is hard when I don’t remember how because of a brain slush. This is when the fall happened pictured above.

Appointment Update

My iron, b12, and D are still low. Continuing my intake on them, increasing intake on b12. My paperwork has been giving to physicians at Vanderbilt to possibly get referred there. It’s just a waiting game on that. I’m just scared that I have to go to that level of physicians to figure it out. Monday I will have a full MRI of my spine, broken down into 3 tests.

I was hoping to be back at work by now, but that’s not getting to happen at all. Being stuck at home is driving me insane, but as always my friends and family pull me through. Juanes dates with them make each day better. 😁 Please continue to pray for me physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually.

Never Take the Small Things for Granted.

Most of you know my health situation. Seven months of non known, which started in 2005, but worsen uncontrollably seven months ago. Looking back I had all these dreams and goals that I wanted to accomplish in life. I aimed for them, but health always drug me backwards. Like I could never win any big battle against it.

Well now looking back them “Big” battles, I would love to have now. I never imagined my life at twenty nine years old, living at home, not able to work, not able to drive out of my small town, and using a walking cant to walk some days. I would rather have the battles of my past than the battles of my presence.

Example. This weekend has been a roller coaster for my health.

Friday. I felt rough that morning, yet better by the evening. My friend and I went to eat Mexican at the local restaurant, then decided to ride back roads and jam out. In the middle of riding around, I could feel my body draining and going weak, my brain began to fog up, and my noticed my words were mumbling and not making sense. Great. πŸ™„

By the time I returned home around 11pm, I got inside and changed into pajamas. Went to the kitchen for a snack and sat in there to eat, since I was exhausted from just that little walk. After putting the food away, I was walking out of the kitchen and fell on the tile floor. Y’all that’s the worse place in the house to fall, I have tested them all unfortunately. πŸ˜‚ It took a while to gain strength to get up, but as always I did it.

Saturday. I woke up sore but mostly doing good. Everyone left and I wanted to stay home being a little off steady still. Alone, I had one of my larger spells. I use to get sent to the ER during them, because everyone around me at the time thought I was having a stroke. It was the exactly symptoms of a stroke. Yet no tests ever came back as a stroke. This time I was scared, I couldn’t work my phone nor could I speak. I was crying and mad that I couldn’t do nothing. I wanted to drive myself to the ER, but I knew I couldn’t drive. I didn’t want to pay for an ambulance, but it was almost to that point. Next I knew after at least 15-20 minutes, it began to fade away. No, I didn’t go to the doctor, because it’s the same results each time. I fell one time that day and couldn’t contain my bladder. I was exhausted the rest of the day like a ran a marathon and was hit by a truck. Needless to say my Saturday was spent in bed.

Sunday. I awoke kinda off and walking very well finally. Didn’t make it to church, but I was up and functioning. My friends came to see me and ate dinner at our local Mexican restaurant to lift my spirits…it worked. After we ate they came back to my house to hang out. I fell once while they were there, and noticed my walking going off again. Great! After they leave I go to bed and can’t sleep due to nausea and pain. After many unsuccessful attempts, I went to sit in the kitchen and eat a cucumber. Walking to the table after getting the cucumber, I fell and couldn’t get up for a while, my hip was throbbing. Not able to stop or get up, I urinated on myself. Which has been happening more recently. 😀

What is there to do? 29 years old falling in the floor, can’t control her bladder, can’t work, can’t drive, and living at home. Oh boy, I am living the life! (Sarcasm)

It is beyond frustrating being trapped in a body you can’t seem to control that’s taken over your life. It makes me think of Parkinson’s, MSA, and other patients. I couldn’t imagine what’s it’s like for them.

I may have it rough to some people, and to me on some days, I am so blessed!! I am able to get up on my own majority of the time. I am able to feed my self and clean my own body. So much to be thankful for today!! Yes, I get frustrated and break down, but I always try to come back thankful.

Never take for granted the little things in life. Getting in a car and driving. Going to work. Walking when you want too. Today a few of my battles are these listed above. Some days I can do all of them, and some days I can’t do any of them. I’d give anything to get my so called big battles from the past to replace these, but that isn’t in God’s plan.

The problem all along with my goals and dreams was that God wasn’t in them. So now I live one day at a time and follow His paths as best as I can. I love how I look back at times and can thank Him for allowing me to face things to be able to seek Him more and grow with Him. I’m so thankful He gave me eyes to see that I have many blessings in my life even after horrible days.

Eyes to the Sky!

To get by with my invisible health issues…

This happens more than not when I go out in public. I either get, oh my word how are you doing, you look great, or did you have an accident? No, I haven’t broken anything or had an accident (or not how they think πŸ˜‚). I have people say I’m faking, I’m crazy, and it’s all in my head. It doesn’t bother me as much anymore. I grew up hearing that from my dad all throughout the years. Being a daddy’s girls, his words hurt me more than anyone, also made me stronger than most.

I have had health issues as long as I can remember. No I don’t want them, and yes it’s embarrassing. The first time I went weak, that I recall, was in first or second grade during a timed test. My hand went weak and i quickly taught myself how to hold a pencil to be able to continue writing. Confession… I still use that same technique to this day!!

Photobombing my awesome friend’s family picture after church. Holding my cane… uh!

Even though I’ve dealt with these issues, most people had no clue, even at a young age. See I’ve never been one to want to be a burden or to bother people. I did that enough it seemed like dealing with divorced parents. I was always the issue, I thought as a kid anyways. From then to this day, I try to face all things with a smile and laughter.

Since I was stuck at home, I got to decorate for my aunt’s birthday! Knowing she would smile, I pushed through.

Most days I may feel well enough to go walking, and the next day I may have to use my walking cane for support and balance. Tonight I had to take my walking cane to our local ball park to watch my nephew play coach pitch baseball. I couldn’t tell you how many strange looks I received from all ages. It’s bad enough I have to use the cane much less get the looks.

Nephew and I after his first game! So exhausted, but I made it to see that smile!!

If you ask me how I’m going, I always reply with I’m good, great, or awesome usually. I don’t mean that in a sarcastic way! I have to keep myself uplifted and encouraged. This past week and a half I have fallen 13 times I believe. It’s rough and my hips and back are taking a beating when I fall. But y’all, I know God has a blessing to come from this. Maybe I had to have something like this to slow me down and put my health first. I don’t know, but I do know that having a living God, laughter, and love is the best thing ever!! That is how I get through and face tomorrow.

I’m not ignoring you, it’s Fibro

Making plans are so hard now days, and it’s getting worse. People say oh you are too young for them issues or it’s just in your head. Let me tell you I’ve had these issues since I was a kid and I would love for it to be in my head but it’s not!

Today for example, I have had a good day. I was able to walk normal and without holding walls. Had the ability and strength to pour my own tea, took a bath, and washed my hair. Huge progression. I was so pumped up from it that I even applied for more jobs today, hopeful to go back to work after being unable to for these last 7 months.

Tonight I have began the spells, as I call them, again. Just a few issues tonight have been blurry vision, can’t grasp my mind around stuff, weak, nauseated, and feels like my entire body is shaking but it’s not. These are just a few I can pin point, it is a struggle to figure things out or know what I mean to say.

Does it sound crazy? Absolutely!! But it’s real, it my reality now. I wish I can throw all of this into the Devils face.

Some think I bail out on them, am shady, or making excuses to stay away from them. It’s not the issue I promise. I love to get out of this house, so trust me when I say I can’t come.

Shocker but I forgot where I was going with this post. I’m sorry y’all. This is what frustrates me. I think I’m better but then it hits again. I can’t go one full day without it hitting. 😀😀